Women’s Leadership Development Training Begins

Sourced from WED’s Report by ATWS Staff Editor
ATWS Dharamshala, May 17, 2023: A three-day Women’s leadership development workshop from 15-17 May 2023 organized by the Women’s Empowerment Desk was held at the Administrative Training and Welfare Service (ATWS), Dharamshala. ATWS provided all the venue and service facilities during the workshop.
Around nine women grassroots leaders from North Tibetan Settlements participated in this workshop. The workshop aims to foster and enhance the capacities of grassroots women so that they are empowered at individual as well as collective levels and can participate and engage in the decision-making of the family and community at large. The grassroots women leaders include women working for the local Tibetan assembly and camp leaders and non-governmental organizations staff in the settlements.
During the three-day workshop, different topics such as defining a Leader and Leadership, Qualities of good leadership, Leadership skills such as communication skills, conflicts/problem-solving and public speaking, Understanding discrimination exclusion and inequality, Building women leaders which include self-confidence, self-esteem, self-awareness and networking, and Issue discussion were covered.
Since the group was small, the discussion and participation by the attendees were a success as they became interactive and shared their opinions, doubts, and experiences openly. Central Tibetan Administration plans to follow up with the interested participants to apply their learning in settlement-level work.