Tibetan Advocates Receive Advocacy Skill Training in Dharamasala

Prof. Christie Warren and Mr John W.Vaudreuil on the right side of Thumi Hall stage, ATWS
By ATWS Staff Editor
ATWS Dharamsala, Dec 4, 2023: A five-day Advocacy Skills Training for Tibetan Advocates organized by the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission (TSJC), Central Tibetan Administration ( CTA), was inaugurated this morning at the Administrative Training and Welfare Society, Dharamsala. ATWS is facilitating the training with the venue and other service facilities.
Chief Guest TSJC General Secretary, Mrs. Yeshi Wangmo La, presided over the inaugural ceremony along with DRL IFES Senior Program Officer, Mr. Tenzin Donyo la, and the two Trainers, Prof. Christie Warren; Founding Director of the Centre for Comparative Legal Studies, William & Mary Law School, United States of America and Mr. John W.Vaudreuil; American Lawyer and a former United States Attorney for the Barack Obama Administration.
Around twenty-one participants of law practitioners and students , CTA officials, and Community leaders of the Exiled Tibetan Community are attending this training.
The training aims to strengthen advocacy skills in participants in a format not only applicable in a courtroom, but also in resolving disputes at the settlement level and other areas where presentation, analytical, and interviewing skills are needed.
While briefing the background of the training and its objectives, TSJC Secretary Mrs. Yeshi Wangmo la spoke about the Administration’s commitment towards prioritizing the overall improvement of the Tibetan Community holistically, which lays the foundation for sustaining the Administration until the Tibetan issue gets resolved. She added that the TSJC office eagerly accepted to implement the Advocacy training program initially proposed by IFES because of benefiting the Tibetan Community at large. Furthermore, walking the audience through a series of administrative efforts taken way back in 2018 until 2021 towards standardizing the existing Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission and its branch offices into proper cadre-based entities staffed with specialized law professionals, the Secretary implored the participants to play their indispensable part as well in collectively sustaining the standard of the TSJC and its branches as qualitative Judicial bodies to ultimately help sustain the Central Tibetan Administration and said that working in one’s best capacity for the greater good is what aligns with leading a meaningful life which His Holiness has always advocated for.
Similarly, IFES Senior Program Officer Mr. Tenzin Donyo La briefed about how the training program got incepted with the conduction of a need assessment, and its aptness for a democratic polity like the Central Tibetan Administration with its three pillars of Executive, Judiciary, and legislative body, along with his brief introduction of the two trainers.
Following the brief remarks by the Senior Program Officer, the two trainers gave their self-introduction, the course content plans for the coming days, and their deep willingness to share their professional experiences to enable optimal learning through need-based training by ensuring a safe learning space for the participants.
Thereafter, participants’ self-introduction ensued. The Inaugural ceremony concluded with closing remarks by TSJC Deputy Secretary Rinchen Sangmo la.
In the coming days, participants will be covered course on persuasive communication skills, presenting persuasive motions and Arguments, the Art of Reasoning, client interviewing, and mediation through different sessions.

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Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission Holds Advocacy Skill Training